From Conception to Birth: A Life Unfolds by Alexander Tsiaras
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ISBN: 9780091887681 / 0091887682 - From Conception to Birth: A Life Unfolds by Alexander Tsiaras, text by Barry Werth. Published by Vermilion, 2002. Hardcover. Used, As New condition. 283 pp.
As a child grows and develops inside its mother's womb, parents constantly ask each other 'What's happening with the baby now?' As a result of Alexander Tsiaras' remarkable achievements in medical imaging technology, they can turn to the pages of this extraordinary book for an answer at any point during the pregnancy.
The science behind this book is fascinating, the images themselves are spectacular, showing the never-before-witnessed process of human creation in astonishingly beautiful detail, as we see the eye appear, the heart and lungs start to work, the hands grow and flex.
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